As a result, the Commando series is often considered a rip-off of Metal Slug, although Commando's material suggests that it is a Metal Slug fan game.The shotgun blasts, pistol shots, and even character death sounds originate there. Another significant source for sound effects heard are from Counter-Strike. The graphics such as characters and explosions are also taken from Metal Slug.
The first two games were both developed by Macrojoy. Segundo video resubido, commando: el metal slug de flash, un excelente juego con mucha accin que mi anterior video no fue capaz de mostar, el video se traba. The game Canyon Shooter also uses the same music as Commando 2. The games Canyon Shooter, Dino Strike and Western Front 1914 are not part of the series, but use similar weapons and bonus drops, and have a similar overall graphic.